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Poisonous Plants

Monkshod, Andromeda, English Ivy, Apple seeds (cyanide), Elderberry, Narcissus (bulb), Arrow grass, Avocado Oleander, Hyacinth (bulb), Boxwood, Hydrangea, Poison Ivy, Iris (bulb), Japanese Yew, Rhododendron, Jasmine (berries), Rhubarb ,Cherry Pits (cyanide), Snow on the Mountain, Chokecherry, Stinging Nettle, Climbing Lilly, Laburnum, Toadstool, Tobacco, Laurel, Tulip (bulb), Daphne, Walnut, Marigold ,Wisteria, Dieffenbachia



Poisonous Household Items

Acetaminophen, Laxatives, Antifreeze, Lead, Aspirin, Bleach ,Matches, Boric Acid, Metal Polish, Brake Fluid, Mineral Spirits, Carbon Monoxide, Mothballs, Carburettor Cleaner, Nail Polish and Remover, Christmas Tinsel ,Paint & Remover, Cleaning Fluid, Perm Solutions, Deodorants, Phenol Detergents, Photo Developer, Disinfectants, Rat Poison ,Drain Cleaner, Rubbing Alcohol, Dye, Shoe Polish, Fungicides, Sleeping Pills, Furniture Polish ,Soaps ,Gasoline ,Suntan Lotions, Hair Colourings, Tar, Herbicides ,Turpentine, Insecticides, Windshield, Fluid Kerosene, Wood stains


Poisonous Foods for Your Dog


It is not chocolate itself that is poisonous to dogs, it is the theobromine, a naturally occuring compound found in chocolate. Theobromine causes different reactions to different dogs: dogs with health problems, especially epilepsy, are more affected by theobromine than healthy dogs. Theobromine can trigger epileptic seizures in dogs prone to or at risk of epilepsy. The size of the dog will also be a major factor: the smaller the dog, the more affected it is by the same amount than a larger dog. Therefore, toxicity is described on a mg/Kg basis.

Furthermore, theobromine can cause cardiac irregularity, especially if the dog becomes excited. Cardiac arythmia can precipitate a myocardial infarct which can kill the dog.

Theobromine also irritates the GI tract and in some dogs can cause internal bleeding which in some cases kills them a day or so later.

Theobromine is also present in differing amounts in different kinds of chocolate. milk chocolate has 44-66 mg/oz, dark chocolate 450 mg/oz and baking/bitter chocolate or cocoa powder varies as much as 150-600 mg/oz. How much chocolate a dog can survive depends on its weight (and other unknown circumstances). Under 200 mg theobromine per kg body weight no deaths have been observed.

Theobromine will stay in the bloodstream between 14 and 20 hours. It goes back into the bloodstream through the stomach lining and takes a long time for the liver to filter out.

Within two hours of ingestion, try inducing vomiting unless your dog is markedly stimulated, comatose, or has lost the gag reflex. If your dog has eaten a considerable amount of chocolate, or displays any of the above symptoms, take it to the vet without delay.

In the absence of major symptoms, administer activated charcoal. The unabsorbed theobromine will chemically bond to this and be eliminated in the faeces. In pinch, burnt (as in thoroughly burnt, crumbling in hand) toast will do.

Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and Raisins have been found to be toxic to dogs. Acute renal (kidney) failure is the most common result.

Walnuts are poisonous to dogs and should be avoided. Many nuts are not good for dogs in general, their high phosphorous content is said to possibly lead to bladder stones.

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